Life on a Limb

It struck me.  With strength and value. Take a moment.  Look at the picture.  Was taken last week as I fished with two dear friends on my most favorite stream in the world, Muddy Creek, west of Kremmling, Colorado.  Matthew and Bryan were just downstream.  As I was about to cast, Matthew, my wonderful Rabbi Guide, got my attention as he pointed to the sky, “Hey, Preacher!  Look up!”

Soaring with grace was the largest eagle I have ever seen.  Had to have a six foot wing span.  It then landed on the limb of a leafless [and perhaps lifeless] tree.  Took the picture.  Okay, I’m an amateur at taking picts, but you can see the eagle.

I then looked at my indicator floating Muddy Creek.  The indicator bobbed, just a tad, but the message was clear: strike!  Set the hook, the river exploded in frenzied joy.  Moments later, netted a beautiful rainbow trout, released it, raised my arms for victory, then looked back at the eagle.  Probably my imagination but think the eagle nodded in affirmation.

It struck me this morning…the eagle on a limb.  The limb may reflect dire realities…our own, the world in which we live, how perilous life can be.  But, we can focus on the eagle, bespeaking strength and vitality, using the limb for rest and not for demise.  Or we can look at the greenness of the trees on the right…continued growth, vitality, purpose and value.

That strikes me on this Monday morning…that for each of us, we know that life has perilous realities.  But, even more, know the inner strength we do have…especially the spiritual strength that is ours, gifted by a caring God who creates our lives, our breathing and our new day.  And there.  In a heartbeat, the indicator bobs, the trout splashes and life happens.  Oh yes it does.

Hopefully for each of us this day might be good, the treasured present…no less than every dawning tomorrow.

Fish on!

About Mark H Miller

Diane and I live in Leander, Texas. This past June 17, 2015 I celebrated the 49th anniversary of my ordination. We returned to Texas after three years in Washington, during which I served as interim minister in Bellevue/Eastgate and Mercer Island. Am planning to begin a 5th novel that will have my protagonist, Tricia Gleason, serve a year in licensed ministry in Snoqualmie, Washington. The novel, "The Lemon Drop Didn't Melt," will find Tricia wrestling with ministry challenges. None of which more daunting than someone wanting her breathing to stop. All the published novels are available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle under Mark Henry Miller. A primary goal in our return to Texas is to make sure grandchildren get lots of attention--here and in Chicago and Washington, D.C. Traveling is definitely an activity that will not slow down. With that, of course, fishing will happen. To that the t-shirt is apt, "I fish; therefore I am." In addition to novels, the book of Blogs, "Voice Of My Heart," is also available on Amazon.
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