Gift From A Treasured Friend…

For seven years, 1966-73, I served two churches, as Assistant Pastor.  In March of 1973 I was called to Lakewood, Colorado as a solo pastor.  Staff was office manager and organist/choir director.   The organist/choir director resigned.  The contact for a new staff person was Donn Vollstedt, Professor of Music in Boulder at the University of Colorado. 

I was speechless, which as most of you know, is hardly ever.  Why?  Because the interview of James Yeager, a phD student in Organ Performance was so positive.  This guy got it…that music in worship needs to be affirming of the theme of the day, which theme came from one of the lectionary verses. 

For the next few years our music at Lakewood United Church of Christ was brilliant.  Jim was brilliant.  Our relationship was a gift to me.  Two moments I cherish.  Once we did a contemporary service, 1975 [yep, that lonnnnng ago] with the theme being a circus.  The idea came from a World Fair play created by the United Church Of Canada…of a mime entering in the circus to liberate people from being controlled.  Shared my idea with Jim…and he said, “Why don’t we have circus music when the Mime enters?”  You kidding me?  He wasn’t.  So, when the Mime entered, James Yeager, phD Student in Organ Performance, played circus calipee music!  The Mime brought the value of Jesus, as one who sets free, liberates.  Frankly, it might have been my best sermon, when I spoke no word.

Then…magic.  At least to me.  Our choir, no professionals, totaled 15 people on a good day.  Jim presented them with an anthem by Randall Thompson that had 8 parts!  That Sunday, our choir sang acapella.  Never before…or since…have I been so inspired in worship.  Jim gave us the best.  Because he is the best.

This introduction is only preface…for yesterday I received an updating from Jim, who now is retired from Director Of Music at the First Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque.  I listened to Jim’s creative work…and am beyond the definition of spiritually impressed.  Never has a piece of music inspired, in this manner, to bring alive the stars and planets and God’s creative presence in the universe, and in each of our lives.

Jim has given me permission to share his narrative.  I hope you can find time to let him minister to you.  So powerful and inspiring…I am also taking the liberty, should you wish, to let him know personally your response to this music.

“A while back I composed a large work for orchestra and ultimately had it synthesized into a rather polished audio version. (hard to find an actual large symphony orchestra willing to try it).  

The title is Passacaglia & Fugue “Antares in Scorpius”.

The subtitle refers to the stunning constellation I’ve often gazed at in summer skies here in NM. The big red star in it is Antares.

Scorpius is couched in the Milky Way. In our black skies it is breathtaking even with the naked eye.

Being somewhat inspired by the recent efforts in astronomy by the James Webb Space Telescope, I created a video, a music video using my composed piece as the sound track and images from outerspace that are beautiful to say the least.

The result is this video that I have had the temerity to post online, partly because I really love my composition and I hoped it might find some interest from others. And I wanted to express my admiration for the incredible achievement of the JWST.

One of the many images includes the constellation in the subtitle.

BTW at the very end of the video I list all the sources for the wonderful star images.

 Maybe you might listen (view) it online. Here is the link (amazingly I’ve had over 185 views so far, who would’ve imagined!!!)

It lasts under 14 minutes if you can stand to watch the whole thing. 

I do strongly suggest that if you watch it you either use good headphones or blast it through your best sound system or better speakers,

the music really has a huge range from soft to loud, most computer speakers are pitiful.

If you have a smart TV you can go online with Youtube, you can google it typing:  <JWST+Yeager>. Otherwise the link above.

I wrote to Goddard (NASA ) and sent their communications director a note about my YouTube posting and she responded very sweetly and thanked me for the video. She said she’d pass the piece around the scientists and the team there (maybe she was just being diplomatic, but I’ll take even a crumb of encouragement).

Hope you can watch it if not for the music at least the star images.

I originally composed the Passacaglia as an organ solo, playing it on my final DMA recital at 1st Pres. Boulder in 1979. It was ok, but I never felt it realized my full intentions musically. Thus, the above orchestrated and enlarged piece, completed with a big fugue.

I am at the moment re-arranging the Passacaglia & Fugue above as a work for organ and chamber orchestra (strings, percussion, trumpets and piano) that might make it more accessible and performable. It’s coming along well. 

Let me know what you think of my one and only YouTube video.



About Mark H Miller

Diane and I live in Leander, Texas. This past June 17, 2015 I celebrated the 49th anniversary of my ordination. We returned to Texas after three years in Washington, during which I served as interim minister in Bellevue/Eastgate and Mercer Island. Am planning to begin a 5th novel that will have my protagonist, Tricia Gleason, serve a year in licensed ministry in Snoqualmie, Washington. The novel, "The Lemon Drop Didn't Melt," will find Tricia wrestling with ministry challenges. None of which more daunting than someone wanting her breathing to stop. All the published novels are available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle under Mark Henry Miller. A primary goal in our return to Texas is to make sure grandchildren get lots of attention--here and in Chicago and Washington, D.C. Traveling is definitely an activity that will not slow down. With that, of course, fishing will happen. To that the t-shirt is apt, "I fish; therefore I am." In addition to novels, the book of Blogs, "Voice Of My Heart," is also available on Amazon.
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1 Response to Gift From A Treasured Friend…

  1. Marilyn Gregory says:

    Fantastic! I felt as though I was traveling through space in an out of body experience. You are so very talented.

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