Walking Into Light…

Eugene Smith was a well-known photographer who took the most shocking images of World War II. As he was merged in battle with a single purpose, taking the best shots, he got injured while photographing the Battle of Okinawa.

After the incident, he could barely hold the camera. He decided to take pictures of peaceful environments rather than violence and despair. This picture was one of the first he took after the war. These are his kids, Patrick and Juanita, a sign that shadow times are left behind, and a new era of light is coming out.

Yesterday took some time to more than look…to appreciate so very much…pictures that narrate history.  Most from war, less most from famous politicians when they took first steps…or last [a picture of Robert Kennedy jogging on the surf of an Oregon Beach, joining him is his English Cocker Spaniel–couldn’t help but think of our two, Mercy and Faith]. The picture above and narrative I’m sharing…because and not to name names because to violate confidence is unconscionable.

But.  This is for you, those who have shared with me their breathing space is limited, mostly metaphorically, because of the rifts in their journey…some medical…some professional…some very personal.  What I’ve tried to say is he/she/they are not alone…and may it be, they are not so alone there is no one to hold their hand to lead them from the shadows into the light.  My prayer…forever.  Shalom, Mark.

About Mark H Miller

Diane and I live in Leander, Texas. This past June 17, 2015 I celebrated the 49th anniversary of my ordination. We returned to Texas after three years in Washington, during which I served as interim minister in Bellevue/Eastgate and Mercer Island. Am planning to begin a 5th novel that will have my protagonist, Tricia Gleason, serve a year in licensed ministry in Snoqualmie, Washington. The novel, "The Lemon Drop Didn't Melt," will find Tricia wrestling with ministry challenges. None of which more daunting than someone wanting her breathing to stop. All the published novels are available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle under Mark Henry Miller. A primary goal in our return to Texas is to make sure grandchildren get lots of attention--here and in Chicago and Washington, D.C. Traveling is definitely an activity that will not slow down. With that, of course, fishing will happen. To that the t-shirt is apt, "I fish; therefore I am." In addition to novels, the book of Blogs, "Voice Of My Heart," is also available on Amazon.
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